Does this herbal tea contain caffeine?
No, herbal teas are not made with leaves from tea plants, but are instead composed of botanicals and/or herbs.
Does this tea have gluten?
No gluten in this tea
Does this herbal tea have sugar or fat in it?
There is neither sugar or fat in this tea
How much water should I use with each tea bag?
One cup (8 oz) would make the best beverage using one tea bag.
How hot should the water be?
Optimal brewing water would be 190 degrees.
How long do you steep herbal tea?
Herbal teas should steep for 5 to 7 minutes, then remove the tea bag.
Can you make iced tea with this tea bag?
Yes, the best method is to use two tea bags to 8 oz of hot water, steep, then add the ice.